Mid-town Elegance Around Flatiron District

by Dimitris Kossyfas

I’ve always loved the city, apart from the very first time I touched down here with expectations running here. But as New York grew on me, so did the charming mid-town neighbourhood of Flatiron with its semi-busy streets, the beautiful cafes and fancy restaurants and the abundant presence of locals.

…As soon as I’m done with my delicious takeaway breakfast, I carry on further south and swing by Gotham Coffee Roasters for a tasty, rich-flavoured espresso. The black and white interiors may catch someone’s attention but don’t be fooled as the place carries a lot of history behind its impeccable service and great coffee. 30 years in the business of coffee, the team has worked directly with the owners of Starbucks, have led the import of La Marzocco espresso machines in San Francisco and have co-founded Spinelli coffee company in San Francisco and Singapore. Now, after a small stint of making wine in Napa, they’re back in the coffee business with a third wave roastery in Brooklyn and a retail outlet on W 19th street…

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